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Nip in the Bud - Films for Parents and Carers

nitb parents

What is it?

National Groups
  • Shorts film and accompanying fact sheets.
  • Help parents and children struggling with their mental health.
  • Covers topics such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, ADHD, autism & more.
  • Includes real life experience videos.

Here's more detail

Published: 09/09/24


Nip in the Bud works with professionals to produce FREE online short films and fact sheets to help primary school teachers, parents and others working with children to recognise potential mental health conditions. 

These films cover Anxiety, ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression, Eating Disorders, OCD, PTSD, Self-Harm, Autism Spectrum Condition, Trauma and Dyslexia. The content for our Information Films has been provided by experts from the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Anna Freud, King’s College, Imperial College and others.  They are accompanied by Fact Sheets.

Our Real-Life Experience films show interviews with young people and parents who have been affected and who speak frankly and movingly about their experiences. Watch one of the videos below titled ‘Parenting a child with OCD’ and click on the buttons to explore films on more topics.

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Fact Sheets

All Nip in the Bud’s films are accompanied by downloadable fact sheets exploring different aspects of mental health and wellbeing and how best to support your child. Download some of these fact sheets below or click on the button to explore a range of topics.

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