What is it?
- Drama offers emotional expression & connection.
- Builds confidence, public speaking & teamwork.
- Provides a therapeutic self-expression outlet.
Here's more detail
Drama can be a powerful emotional outlet and a haven for your wellbeing. Life can throw some tough challenges your way, and sometimes it can feel like your emotions are a rollercoaster. Drama can provide a safe space to explore those feelings, express yourself and connect with your emotions. When you step into the shoes of a character or immerse yourself in a gripping story, it’s like a journey to the heart of human experience. You can laugh, cry, scream and express every emotion in between, all within the boundaries of a supportive and creative environment.
Moreover, drama isn’t just about pretending; it’s also about building crucial life skills. Drama can boost your confidence by encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone, speak in front of others and develop empathy as you understand different characters and their perspectives. Drama can also foster teamwork as you work together with fellow actors, and it can enhance your problem-solving abilities as you navigate the complexities of a script. This unique form of self-expression can be therapeutic, helping you better understand yourself and cope with the ups and downs of life.
Performing in Hoxton Hall to a sold-out audience was a great experience. I enjoyed taking part in acting. It allowed me to express my emotions more as a character, develop my performance skills and learn how to project my voice on stage.
- Fran Agyeman, Exposure
A study conducted by the University of London found that students who participated in drama classes showed a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels.
Some resources that may help:
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