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Computing or coding icon

What is it?

Wellbeing Tools
  • Coding is an empowering skill in the digital age.
  • Allows you to create, problem-solve & boosts creativity.
  • Opens career opportunities in tech-related fields.

Here's more detail

Published: 26/10/23


Young people coding

Computing and coding are like magic spells for the digital age, and they can be incredibly empowering skills. In today’s tech-savvy world, where smartphones and computers are part of daily life, understanding how to write code and harness the power of computing can open up a world of possibilities. With coding you can create your own digital universe, where you can build websites, develop apps and even control robots with just a few lines of code. Coding can also sharpen your problem-solving skills and boost your creativity as you find solutions to real-world challenges.

Learning to code is not just about geeking out over computers; it’s about gaining a valuable skill that can lead to exciting career opportunities in fields like software development, data science and artificial intelligence. Learning code is like learning a new language, but instead of talking to people, you’re communicating with computers to make them do amazing things. Plus, it’s a creative outlet where you can bring your unique ideas to life, whether it’s designing a game, building a website for a cause you care about or automating everyday tasks to make life easier.

Some resources that may help:

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