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Islington Youth Justice Service (YJS)

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What is it?

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Service Info
  • Service preventing youth offending & reoffending in Islington.
  • Offers support with court orders, court reports & restorative justice.
  • Supports parents / carers, victims & young people. 

Here's more detail

Published: 29/07/24


Islington’s Youth Justice Service (YJS) provides support for young people aged 10-17 to prevent them from offending or re-offending.

The service works with youth justice services and specialists from partner agencies such as the police, schools, health and probation services and voluntary organisations. It will support young people who are subject to court orders, provides preventative work with Targeted Youth Support (TYS) and supports parents and victims of youth crime. 

Click on the sections below to learn more. 

islington YJS


  • Court orders

    When a court finds a young person guilty of an offence they will then decide upon a sentence. Sentences are designed to protect the public and ensure that the young person engages in work to address their offending behaviour. The young person will also receive support with other difficulties that they may be dealing with.

    A custodial sentence is usually passed when the young person is considered as presenting a risk to the public and requires detention. Community penalties may be used if the young person can be made subject to an order from the court and supervised in the community by YJS. If after sentencing a young person does not comply with the court order, they will return to court and may receive a new or additional sentence.

    For more information, visit the Youth Justice Board website.

  • Pre-sentence reports

    YJS provides information to the court to inform sentencing decisions. These are known as pre-sentence reports and include details of the offence, the young person’s circumstances and the reasons for their behaviour, the impact on the victim and a suggested sentence.

  • Bail and remand

    The court may decide to bail a young person to attend a future court hearing. Bail usually comes with conditions which can include a curfew, which may include restricting their movements, reporting to a police station at certain times or a programme of support from YJS. 

    The court may remand a young person to the care of the local authority, in which case they become a ‘looked after child’. YJS directs the young person to live where their needs will be best met and in the interests of protecting the public. This can be with a family member or specially recruited and trained foster carers. If the court orders a secure remand, YJS will work with the Youth Justice Board to find a suitable place and ensure the young person is escorted there. 

  • Pre-court work

    If a young person admits to committing an offence, they may be given a Youth Conditional Caution instead of being prosecuted through the courts. This usually happens when it would not be in the public interest to prosecute the young person. Youth Conditional Cautions have one or more conditions attached. If the young person does not keep to these conditions, they could then be prosecuted in the courts. YJS supports young people given Youth Conditional Cautions.

  • Prevention

    YJS is aligned with Targeted Youth Support (TYS). TYS supports vulnerable young people aged 10-19 (or up to age 21 for the Youth Counselling Service).

    TYS will work with each young person from their own starting point, working with their peers, parents and other organisations to help them understand the consequences of their actions and to make the changes they need to make positive choices in the future. TYS will work in youth centres, schools, family homes, community buildings and youth hubs across Islington. TYS will also deliver work on the streets, in parks and on estates through detached and outreach work. Support is provided to young people individually, in groups and with their families.

    Young people can be referred to TYS by emailing or calling 020 7527 2600 (9am -12.30pm, Monday to Friday).

    Or you can contact the Children’s Services on 020 7527 7400, 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday or 020 7226 0992 at all other times.

  • Support for parents

    YJS can support parents of young people who use YJS, are in custody (a young offenders institute or a secure placement), or are at risk of getting into trouble with the police. 

    The YJS Parenting Officer can help parents through one-to-one support, group work with other parents, and workshops and training sessions about gangs, keeping your child safe on the internet, and adult education.

    YJS can also help parents get the support they need with things like problems with drugs or alcohol or getting help with housing. YJS can talk to people working in other services on behalf of parents.

    YJS can see parents at home, in our offices or over the phone. YJS is also available for advice and support at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court.

    Parents can use the parenting support services voluntarily, or it may be a condition of a court order.

  • Support for victims

    If you are a victim of a crime committed by a young person, the police will usually pass on your contact details to the YJS Victims and Restorative Justice Officer unless you ask them not to. The officer will contact you to arrange a telephone appointment.

    During your discussion, the officer will: 

    • check if you have any concerns about the young person’s behaviour towards you
    • explain what happens to the information you give them
    • explain the young person’s sentence and how the sentence decision was made
    • ask if you would like to be kept informed of key developments during the young person’s sentence ask if you would like to be involved in any restorative justice processes

    Your involvement with the victim support service is voluntary, and you may change your mind about having contact with the YJS Victims and Restorative Justice Officer at any time. 

  • Restorative justice

    If appropriate, the Victims and Restorative Justice Officer will arrange a meeting with the young person so that he or she may apologise in person, or arrange for you to receive a written apology. You may also be given the opportunity to be involved in a panel meeting to discuss and sign a contract of work to be completed by the young person, or to attend a Family Group Conference where members of the young person’s and the victim’s family discuss the impact of the crime and support the young person in taking responsibility for their actions.

Contact info

Contact information

Phone: 020 7527 7050


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