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Pace - Rebuilding Bridges

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What is it?

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Service Info
  • Experienced keyworkers offer one-to-one and small-group support
  • Therapeutic interventions from project psychologists
  • Bespoke short breaks support for families.

Here's more detail

Published: 03/07/24


As part of this project, experienced keyworkers offer one-to-one and small-group support, alongside therapeutic interventions from project psychologists and bespoke short breaks support for families.

What you can expect from the project:

  • 1:1 and small group work after school and during school holidays
  • 1:1 offsite support/mentoring during school hours
  • Direct intervention from psychologists (Clinical Psychologists and Educational Psychologists from Mosaic Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Camden Educational Psychology Service) linked to the Rebuilding Bridges Project.
  • Provides schools and other agencies with specialist advice, psychological consultation and assessment at individual student, group and whole-school level.
  • Bespoke parent/carer support including input from project psychologists.
Young person in therapy

More info

  • Who is eligible for this service?

    Please note that this project is designed to fill a gap in current provision, so referrals should be made for children young/people who do not have a significant package of support already in place.

    Eligibility criteria 1 - Primary need:

    • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs
    • Autism
    • Learning Difficulty/Disability

    Eligibility criteria 2 - Presenting issues:

    • At risk of exclusion
    • Not engaging with school / non-attendance (persistent absences over a six-week period / a pattern of significant absence over an academic year)
    • Display behaviours of concern
    • Social isolation / persistent difficulties with positive peer relationships
    • Low engagement with universal services 

    Priority will be given to children/young people who are:

    • Not eligible for enhanced Short Breaks (those receiving Short Breaks core offer can be considered if no other provision is appropriate to meeting need).
    • Not currently receiving ongoing support from Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services/ Educational Psychologist Services (alternative support is available from the School Inclusion Team).
    • Not in receipt of funding via an Educational Health Care Plan (referrals for 1:1 support during school hours)
    • Not attending specialist provision (e.g. Robson House, CCfL, Swiss Cottage) although “short-term” specialist provision will be considered (e.g. Rhyl Satellite, CRiB, Thomas Group)
    • Lacking access to universal play/youth offer

    Exceptional circumstances will be considered by the referrals panel, depending on risks to the child and young person if a service is not provided.

  • Who can refer?

    Referrals can be made by:

    • Camden schools
    • Social workers
    • Early Help
    • Camden SEN
    • School Inclusion Team
    • Health professionals
  • Referral process:

    • Referrers are encouraged to liaise with the child/ young person professional network prior to making a referral (and provide minutes of the Team Around the Child (TAC) meetings if available).
    • Schools are regarded as an active partner in the Rebuilding Bridges project and are expected to allocate a lead professional to support throughout the project.
    • Referrals will be considered monthly at a multi-disciplinary Referrals Panel. Referrers will be contacted by a member of the project team for a consultation call prior to the referral being considered at panel. Referrers will be made aware of the outcome of panel outcome within 2 weeks of the panel date.
    • Once a referral has been accepted, the PACE service manager will arrange a home/school visit to complete a needs assessment.
    • A 1:1 keyworker will be assigned, and/or the child/young person will be allocated to a particular small group based on individual needs.
    • The project psychologists will work alongside the PACE service to assess the most appropriate support that can be provided to the child/young person and family. In addition, the project psychologists will liaise with the learning mentors and lead professionals in school to facilitate active collaboration.
  • How to Refer

    • If you are unsure if a referral is suitable for this project, please contact Glenys James (details below) to discuss the needs of the child/young person.
    • Consent to engage with the project prior to making a referral must be obtained from the parent/carer (and young person if aged 16+) by completing a consent form.
    • Complete a referral form (below) and send to the contact details below.
    • Please ensure the referral form is completed with as much detail as possible. They will not accept incomplete referrals.

Contact info

Contact information

The main point of contact for discussing potential referrals and submitting referral forms is:

Glenys James, Specialist Services Senior Manager (PACE)

Tel: 07568 510 737


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